HID® Lumidigm® V-Series USB Desktop Fingerprint Readers patented multispectral imaging and FBI-certified encryption to protect networks from hackers

HID® Lumidigm® V-Series USB Desktop Fingerprint Readers patented multispectral imaging and FBI-certified encryption to protect networks from hackers
Lumidigm® V-Series

HID® Lumidigm® V-Series fingerprint readers are built with HID’s patented multispectral imaging (MSI) technology designed to deliver the most secure and reliable fingerprint authentication technology on the market today.

HID® Lumidigm® V-Series details

The HID® Lumidigm® fingerprint readers use multispectral imaging (MSI) technology to capture high-quality fingerprint images, even from fingers that are dry, wet, dirty, or damaged. This makes them highly reliable and secure for various applications.

Superior Matching Performance

MSI technology uses multiple light colors from different angles to read both surface and subsurface biometric details for superior matching accuracy and liveness detection.

This unique feature enables the HID® Lumidigm® V-Series to capture difficult finger types (e.g., dry, dirty, damaged, oily, wet, aged, etc.) in the most challenging environments (e.g., bright sunlight, darkness, heat, cold, rain, snow, dust, etc.).

HID Lumidigm SDK

The HID Lumidigm Software developer Kit (SDK) is a collection of application programing interfaces (APIs), documentation and code samples that allows developers to quickly create applications that integrate fingerprint biometrics and HID patented Multispectral Imaging (MSI) to ensure someone isn’t
fraudulently using another person’s identity. SEE MORE

FBI-certified encryption

The HID Lumidigm MSI V-Series Secure Line readers incorporate sophisticated endpoint security to encrypt data to and from the device using FBI-certified encryption algorithms to protect networks from hackers.

If a hacker attempts to access the reader, the MSI device provides active tamper protection and detection features that will erase the encryption keys, preventing the hacker from accessing the keys and data stored on the readers.

Banco Supervielle Biometric Authentication Case Study

Argentina’s Banco Supervielle distributes government pension benefits from the Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social (ANSES) to more than a million retirees across the country.

For many citizen benefit programs including this one, the assurance that a recipient is alive and present is critical to combat fraudulent claims by relatives of deceased pensioners. SEE MORE

Key Benefits

Deliver a Superior User Experience

HID’s patented MSI technology ensures every user, no matter the quality of their fingerprint, is properly and quickly enrolled and matched

Prevent Identity Fraud 

HID MSI technology delivers market-leading presentation attack detection (PAD), accurately and consistently identifying and rejecting fake finger attempts

Safeguard Network & Data

Endpoint security prevents cybercriminals from gaining unauthorized access to your networks and intellectual property, protecting corporate reputation and mitigating financial losses

Advanced PAD

All HID Lumidigm V-Series readers are ISO 30107-3 PAD Level 2 compliant for advanced anti-spoofing against fraud



Fingerprint readers are used to securely verify identity

HID covers a wide range of products from the simplest for authentication on PC, network to the most complex of the LUMIDIGM series used by the FBI


The fingerprint scanner scans your fingerprint.

It can be used for many applications, including access control, license verification, criminal background checks, computer logon, etc.


Verification of the “liveliness” of a person, in practice verifying that the fingerprint is not a fake, which is performed via a computer system.

This control is usually used to counter fraud and identity theft.


The main categories of fingerprint matching techniques are minutiae-based matching and pattern matching.

Pattern matching simply compares stored images to see how similar they are.

Pattern matching is usually used in fingerprint systems to detect any duplicates.


See the document Powering Trusted Identities with Fingerprint Biometrics Brochure